Faculty & Classes
“There’s nothing like this”
We're still working on the faculty lineup for 2024. Here's the great group we had in 2023. Bookmark this page to see any new information as it comes in.

2024 Session 1
Alessandro Penezzi
Choro Ensemble
My Choro Harmony class will offer professional and amateur musicians a detailed harmonic study of Brazilian Choro. We will analyze some of the more common harmonies used in Choro and develop an understanding of their use in composition.
Curtis Pierre
Beginning Bateria
Class description coming soon.
Fabiana Cozza
Through 20 years of researching and studying music and song itself, I have experimented with techniques that reveal the unique and rare instrument that inhabits each one of us, and that puts us in contact with the other actors of the scene, with the public, physical space itself, our creative potential, ourselves. The "Body of the Voice" workshop helps participants discover their own voices, and the place of their uniqueness, through an investigation of the body, the sensations and emotions that are born from the action, exploring the body of the interpreter. We will discuss the positioning necessary for a good body alignment so that the singing is produced free of tensions and the student is able to realize his vocal movements in a sensible, true, conscious way.
Guilherme dos Santos Oliveira
Advanced Bateria and Pagode
Mestre de Bateria do Acadêmicos do Salgueiro, Guilherme and his brother Gustavo will bring the latest from Rio bateria styles to Cazadero.
Songs of Guinga
Explore the music of one of Brazil's greats, Guinga, as he joins us for a unique experience. For guitarists, singers, and all instruments. guinga.com
Gustavo dos Santos Oliveira
Advanced Bateria and Pagode
Mestre de Bateria do Acadêmicos do Salgueiro, Gustavo and his brother Guilherme will bring the latest from Rio bateria styles to Cazadero.
Jorge Alabê
Candomble percussion and song
Jorge will be teaching two classes - First, an advanced drumming for the orixas (afro/brazilian religious drumming) and then, a class on the songs that go with the drumming for the orixas. This class is open to all students. jorgealabe.com• sambamasterclass.com
Kellyn Rosa
Dance - Advanced Samba
Class description coming soon.
Monica Golcwajg
I have been a Portuguese teacher for over thirty years. I understand that a language class has to be fun and relate to one's reality. This class integrates some grammar, language structure, and culture. It is about understanding the Brazilian life style, slang, and the language of the everyday life. We study a vocabulary that relates to what we do, and our lives and interests. A special attention is paid to pronunciation and consequently to the use of different muscles in the mouth.
We have students of different levels in the same class and everyone can benefit from it. Whenever possible, we work on songs and lyrics and whatever are the students' interests.
Rosangela Silvestre
Orixas dance movement and Silvestre Technique
SILVESTRE TECHNIQUE, native to Salvador, Bahia, is a continuously evolving contemporary dance technique with the objective of conditioning the dancer through physical and expressive training regardless of level or prior training. Classes are accompanied by live music to further awaken expression and inspiration. All levels are welcomed and encouraged.
ORIXA DANCE MOVEMENT examines and interprets symbols, gestures and movements derived from Yoruba deities. We will be learning traditional dances/ movements as we identify their specific energies/traits in relation to the 4 elements :Earth, Water, Air, and Fire.
Sidney Nicol
Start the day with an energized body and a focused mind. We will practice a flowing sequence of poses coordinated with the breath and take time to connect with the peaceful nature around us. Special attention will be focused on releasing tension in overworked hands shoulders & forearms (esp helpful for musicians) as well as deep stretches aimed at working out body aches from high intensity fitness while increasing flexibility (esp helpful for dancers). All levels are welcome. Modifications and alternative poses will be offered. Wear layers of warm comfortable clothes. Bring a yoga mat if you have one (I will provide a few).
Tainah Damasceno
Dance - Beginning Samba/Gafiera
Beginning Brazilian dance will explore the diversity of Brazilian popular dances through movement and context. Learn universal dance technique and breakdown the basics of samba, samba afro, pagode baiano and more, in a welcoming and fun environment. Come enjoy your body and move with the music of Brazil!
2024 Session 2
Alessandro Penezzi
Choro Ensemble
My Choro Harmony class will offer professional and amateur musicians a detailed harmonic study of Brazilian Choro. We will analyze some of the more common harmonies used in Choro and develop an understanding of their use in composition.
Curtis Pierre
Beginning Bateria
Class description coming soon.
Fabiana Cozza
Through 20 years of researching and studying music and song itself, I have experimented with techniques that reveal the unique and rare instrument that inhabits each one of us, and that puts us in contact with the other actors of the scene, with the public, physical space itself, our creative potential, ourselves. The "Body of the Voice" workshop helps participants discover their own voices, and the place of their uniqueness, through an investigation of the body, the sensations and emotions that are born from the action, exploring the body of the interpreter. We will discuss the positioning necessary for a good body alignment so that the singing is produced free of tensions and the student is able to realize his vocal movements in a sensible, true, conscious way.
Guilherme dos Santos Oliveira
Advanced Bateria and Pagode
Mestre de Bateria do Acadêmicos do Salgueiro, Guilherme and his brother Gustavo will bring the latest from Rio bateria styles to Cazadero.
Gustavo dos Santos Oliveira
Advanced Bateria and Pagode
Mestre de Bateria do Acadêmicos do Salgueiro, Gustavo and his brother Guilherme will bring the latest from Rio bateria styles to Cazadero.
Jorge Alabê
Candomble percussion and song
Jorge will be teaching two classes - First, an advanced drumming for the orixas (afro/brazilian religious drumming) and then, a class on the songs that go with the drumming for the orixas. This class is open to all students. jorgealabe.com• sambamasterclass.com
Kellyn Rosa
Dance - Advanced Samba
Class description coming soon.
Monica Golcwajg
I have been a Portuguese teacher for over thirty years. I understand that a language class has to be fun and relate to one's reality. This class integrates some grammar, language structure, and culture. It is about understanding the Brazilian life style, slang, and the language of the everyday life. We study a vocabulary that relates to what we do, and our lives and interests. A special attention is paid to pronunciation and consequently to the use of different muscles in the mouth.
We have students of different levels in the same class and everyone can benefit from it. Whenever possible, we work on songs and lyrics and whatever are the students' interests.
Pitoco de Airá
Maracatu Percussion Ensemble
For this week at camp Pitoco will cover the baques and feel of maracatu de baque virado in the style of Estrela Brilhante, as well as teaching various songs and breaks, for all the traditional instruments: alfaia, caixa, agbê, and gonguê.
Rosangela Silvestre
Orixas dance movement and Silvestre Technique
SILVESTRE TECHNIQUE, native to Salvador, Bahia, is a continuously evolving contemporary dance technique with the objective of conditioning the dancer through physical and expressive training regardless of level or prior training. Classes are accompanied by live music to further awaken expression and inspiration. All levels are welcomed and encouraged.
ORIXA DANCE MOVEMENT examines and interprets symbols, gestures and movements derived from Yoruba deities. We will be learning traditional dances/ movements as we identify their specific energies/traits in relation to the 4 elements :Earth, Water, Air, and Fire.
Sidney Nicol
Start the day with an energized body and a focused mind. We will practice a flowing sequence of poses coordinated with the breath and take time to connect with the peaceful nature around us. Special attention will be focused on releasing tension in overworked hands shoulders & forearms (esp helpful for musicians) as well as deep stretches aimed at working out body aches from high intensity fitness while increasing flexibility (esp helpful for dancers). All levels are welcome. Modifications and alternative poses will be offered. Wear layers of warm comfortable clothes. Bring a yoga mat if you have one (I will provide a few).